Sunday, October 30, 2011


This lovely family asked me to take their pictures a couple weeks ago and I happily obliged! I’m so new at this stuff and they were seriously so helpful it made it fantastic. I’d never worked with such a big group, and they had poses they showed me they wanted and really made it a great experience! There are seriously SO MANY options and poses to do while taking pictures, so having a lot set out before helped us not forget what we wanted and make sure we got exactly what we wanted!

This top picture and the one below are the same, I just cropped it! And Look at this setting! It’s fantastic! It’s their backyard! I had a friend asking me where we went and seriously didn’t believe me when I said it was their house!SONY DSC                       _DSC4376
Ok not to brag but I’m going to show you a before and after because this was seriously the best one I’ve done! So above is the straight out of camera (SOOC) shot.


Kendall siblings!
SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC














I saw these birds flying and new I had to hurry and get this shot! I love it!
SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       5 grandsons! I’ve got to say, that just seems like a party! I’ll have 5 nephews by February and taking these pictures just made me all the more excited!SONY DSC                       SONY DSC

I love that I’m learning so much still and it just seems never ending! The day before I went over and AJ and I came up with poses and I got good settings set up on my camera! Then with that many kids I had to do a lot of head swapping and work on photoshop! Plus just working with that many people was a really good experience! So this session seriously broadened my horizons a ton it felt like!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Baby Kael-7.26.11

My oldest sister Skye had her third boy at the end of July this year! I love my nephews so much! I'm the young "cool" aunt because I'm the only one not married and they only live 5 minutes away! haha so I play with them a lot and make time for them. We really are just best buds! :) Here are some shots I took of them at the hospital :)

All of the pictures at the hospital aren't edited.
Kire is the SWEETEST older brother anyone could ask for! So proud!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I'm the youngest of 5, and my sweet older brother got married on Friday! My oldest sister got married when I was like 9 and then my other two siblings I was younger and wasn't as into photography at the time. So it's been a few years, I have a new camera and I was soooo ready to be taking pictures at his wedding! I wasn't the main photographer but it was such great practice and I feel like I'm learning SO MUCH about my camera and in photoshop. I downloaded some actions from Michelle Kane Photography, and I'm LOVING it! Well I hope that was long enough for ya..

I took some engagement pictures, then we had a dinner the night before with close family and friends, and then the wedding day at the temple and the reception! I'm so happy for him and his new wifey Megan! They're such a fun couple and so perfect for each other! Here are a few of my favorites:

My sister Julia was in charge of flowers and table decorations for the dinner the night before and seriously did the cutest job ever!
My other brother Grady and his wife! Still so in love!
I taught my nephews about making wishes by tossing pennies into fountains!
Have you seen a happier expression on a groom's face?! This was right after he FIST PUMPED while kissing her. I think he's in love?
I LOVE this shot! We were all being posed on the stairs by the real photographer, and they were looking up at all their family and friends laughing! So candid and cute of them both.

Monday, May 16, 2011

got it

Got a new camera! And I'm thinking I'm going to do a 365 photography project.. so everyday I journal what i'm feeling and show it through pictures! so that should be so fun!

Friday, April 15, 2011

blown away!

Ok, so i've been on this search for a new camera, and came across the sony a55! HOLY CRAP! This thing won popular photography's camera of the year, and it's seriously the latest and greatest contraption..did i mention it's a sony??? It's half the cost of nikon and canon and twice the camera! I neeeeeeeeeed this baby!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Sold my pentax the other day! Now it’s on to bigger and better things! I’ll let you know what’s in my bag as soon as I get it!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Princess vs. Villains

Ok I loved the CONCEPT of this shoot. It was forever ago and I was just learning about photography..once I get a better camera and now that I know more I’d love to do this again, but it was so clever I couldn’t wait to do it!

What we did was get girls that looked like a certain princess and got dresses to go with that princess! took pictures of them as a princess, changed their dresses then dressed them up like the same villain from the movie!

so here is how my “make believe” photo sessions started..

Cinderella vs. Evil Step Mother


Sleeping Beauty vs. Malifecent


Meg vs. Hades


Snow White vs. The Evil Queen


Belle vs. Gaston


Tinkerbell vs. Hook


Jazmine vs. Jafar
