Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Or better yet, Northridge High School Student Body Officers! That’s a mouthfull! Anyways, I went to Northridge and freakin loved it! I was always really good friends with the SBO’s even though I wasn’t one of them! So the advisor asked me to take their pics I happily agreed! I had just taken the Kendall’s pictures the week before, so I had had some good practice with groups! So it was a lot easier the second time around with the officers because I had a lot better control of the situation I feel like. Taking big group pictures is definitely a challenge for me I’ve noticed! But I’m getting better and that’s totally what counts right?!

These guys were TONS of fun! All the girls were cracking me up because it was kind of windy and they were so worried about their hair and everything, I had to mention a few times I wouldn’t let them look bad lol. Northridge has this SWEET “N” in front of the school and it’s seriously such a great spot for pictures! I take a lot of senior pictures there because it’s so unique to the school and a great memory! So HERE they are! the 2012 NHSBO’s! :)

SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA. I love this. SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                       SONY DSC

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