Monday, March 21, 2011


Sold my pentax the other day! Now it’s on to bigger and better things! I’ll let you know what’s in my bag as soon as I get it!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Princess vs. Villains

Ok I loved the CONCEPT of this shoot. It was forever ago and I was just learning about photography..once I get a better camera and now that I know more I’d love to do this again, but it was so clever I couldn’t wait to do it!

What we did was get girls that looked like a certain princess and got dresses to go with that princess! took pictures of them as a princess, changed their dresses then dressed them up like the same villain from the movie!

so here is how my “make believe” photo sessions started..

Cinderella vs. Evil Step Mother


Sleeping Beauty vs. Malifecent


Meg vs. Hades


Snow White vs. The Evil Queen


Belle vs. Gaston


Tinkerbell vs. Hook


Jazmine vs. Jafar


Thursday, March 10, 2011



K so there’s this tale of “Flo” in the Ogden cemetery, she’s a ghost that comes out at night when you flash lights towards her because as the story goes, Flo was hit by a car on Prom night and resides in the cemetery! So my friend Mandy and I decided to go on this adventure and do these pictures of her as Flo!


I love my friends. End of story. This was in their front room, I love practicing and getting better so this was a great way to use my camera indoors and try to make it all look good!



Once more, a great looking friend and family :)

I just went to their BEAUTIFUL backyard the day before I moved to college and did these for them!


No wonder they’re so good looking..

K so here are some pictures I've done of my friends and their families! And no wonder my friends are gorgeous!!


I LOOOOOOVED doing these pictures with the Delmonte’s! How unique?? Paul (Buster) is a F16 pilot for HAFB and took me onto the base to his hanger with HIS plane to do these pictures of his beautiful family! On the left are his children and on the right is his wife and her daughter!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Super athletic girl! If you couldn't tell..

I love that I'm learning more and more with my camera! These shots were pretty hard for me with just my camera and no flashes or natural light. They turned out ok I think!!