Sunday, February 27, 2011

Trevor and Julia Blackwell!

Julia and Trevor- January 2, 2010

My sister is so wonderful and seriously such a great example to me, especially when it comes to getting married. She's just beautiful :)

Grady and Lauren Brimley!

So my brother Grady and sister Julia were both married within a year of each other, here are a few pictures from each of their wedding days!

Grady and Lauren- March 7, 2009

The beautiful Crystal!

This is one of my best friends Crystal-these were her senior pictures I did for her! And can I just say that she's a fantastic model? And we went to my fav location in the world!! She's such a great friend and is always up for a fun time! I love doing pictures and especially for people who have such personality, I think you can really see hers in these! thanks c-riz!


This kid has been one of my great guy friends since the 7th grade and we've only gotten closer over the years :) and talk about TALENT!! He's so good at guitar, piano, boarding, and violin! Here are his senior pictures!

his mom made us change his card hence the crotch grab, but it's so "mason" I thought it was hilarious!


This girl is a freakin fire cracker! no one like miss nikki-that's the truth! here are some of her senior pics! once again at my favorite location!

some of last years seniors

so as a new school year is rounding towards the end, I thought I'd share some of last years senior pictures with you!